Traffic in Bucharest
Après quelques jours dans la capitale de la Roumanie, je suis encore sous le choc…automobile. Elles sont partout et circulent en masse. Stationnées un peu tout partout, semi juchées sur le trottoir, les piétonniers sont perdants dès qu’ils sortent de leur logis.
It’s not tomorrow that I will have the courage to take the wheel. Some streets are so narrow because of that style of self-parking on both sides that one of two cars coming towards each other has to find a little sideway space to give way to the other. It reminded me of some residential streets in Canada, when the snowplow takes time to pass after a snowstorm and there was only space for one car to go at a time.. except here it would be all year round in residential streets.
Les boulevards, par contre, sont relativement espacés, mais faut pas hésiter à changer de voie sinon tu te fais couper sans façon. Pas le temps de niaiser. Donc, en attendant que je n’ai vraiment pas le choix de prendre la voiture, je marcherai, j’prendrai l’métro ou j’laisserai faire!
Having said that, there are great pockets of green in the city. Although they are not many around, the parks in the city are very well maintained and at the end of the day, we saw a good number of families and friends coming for a stroll.

Lovely to hear what you are doing. And don’t worry, you’ll get used to all the cars.